
時間 2021-06-17 17:36:19


我今天要講一個故事。 today,i'm going to talk about a story.

我要為大家講一個故事。i'd like to share a story with us.

我的故事講完了。it is the end.



我今天要講一個故事。today, i talk about a story.

我要為大家講一個故事.i want to tell you a story.

我的故事講完了。i finished the story.


i today needs to say a storyi want to be that you says a story

my story has finished .

you are to need to give a lecture.(你是要演講吧)

hope can arrive at you group.(希望可以幫到你)


i will tell about a story.

i will tell a story to you.

i finish my story.


i'm going to talk about a story,today.

i will tell you a story.

my story has finished


1,場合 言 時 探 出 思 2 過 全部 舍 始 考 方 餘 思 3 成績 小 頑張 思 1.理由 何 思 時 理由 見 思 2.過去 舍 最初 直 考 賢明 3.小 成果 程度 努力 必要 希望能幫到您 he en繼繼續續 譯文如下 1 何 理由 時 理由 思 2 過去 全 舍 最初 直 考 上...


you really interesting 善良的靜待時光 you all are really humorous.各位大神幫我把這幾句話翻譯成英文 謝謝 蹬ooo地 i don t wanna ing die here be stronger there is nothing to turn t...


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