let's see...huh...
ok.i've done this before...a same text...
ok.a man has wings because he is an angel.when he meets his love,he tries to be as ordinary a guy as he can,including breaking up his wings.
and the woman he loves,how can you ever let him down as he throws away his flying?
and,of course,a woman is an angel with no tears.when she meets her love,she simply lets go her first and last tears.she becomes an ordinary woman from then on.
and the man she loves,how can you ever let her down?you know,she throws away,for you,her whole paradise.
在海洋裡面有許多的島嶼。在它溫暖的海水裡面有一些小島嶼。我們把它們叫做 珊瑚島 珊瑚島看起來很漂亮。它看起來一個有樹木 綠草和鮮花的環形島嶼。環的一部分是對水開放的。在島的內部有一個小的圓湖。如果你看著這個湖,你將會看到美麗的珊瑚。你也許會覺得它們是花朵。如果你看著一片珊瑚,你將會看到上面有許多小洞...
幫忙把這段話翻譯成英文謝謝,幫忙把這段話翻譯成英文 謝謝 !
居然都是用快譯的 您的姓名是否有自己的假名,所以我沒有翻譯,你自己填充上.以下是我自己翻譯的 dear aliens,i am from zhongdong,not interested in the ordinary human beings.therefore,if there s any al...
普通話,即標準漢語。普通話是中國不同民族間進行溝通交流的通用語言,以北京語音為基礎音,以北方方言為基礎方言,以典範的現代白話文著作為語法規範。主要通行於中國大陸長江以北地區,長江以南則一般不說普通話,因為各地都有漢語方言,不依賴於普通話 其中,中國香港 中國澳門通行廣東話,中國臺灣地區在官方場合也使...