3 answer,for,difficult,them,questions,it,is,to,the連詞成句

時間 2021-07-25 19:30:56


it is difficult for them to answer the questions.

the quetions is difficult for them to answer it.


第一種:it is to difficult for them to answer the questions.

第二種:the quetions is difficult for them to answer it.


it is difficult for them to answer the questions.


it is difficults answer for the questions to them

運用a 3 b 3或者a 3 b 3因式分解

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本題考查部分倒裝句句。高中常考的部分倒裝句型如下 1,hardly.when.hardly 後面要用倒裝 例句 hardly had i reached the airport when the plane took off.2,only 狀語放在句首,要部分倒樁。例句 only by this m...


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