
時間 2021-10-14 23:47:28


tom had a lot of bad living habits. [the] last time, tom had an accident at home because of [the] bad habits.

last sunday,tom [turned] on all the lights and television.tom's mother was very angry,"tom,you are [wasting] electricity!" his mother [scolded] him loudly but tom did not hear [that].

soon,tom's parents let tom at home alone because they [had to go to work].

suddenly, the electricity went out! tom felt very scared because his (home) [was] dark. he wanted to let the lights on ,so tom (climed up) onto a chair.


創造力不是與生俱來的也不是高智商必備的性格特徵 喵茜茜 creativity is not後面接的是表語從句,something one is just born with與 it is necessary a characteristic of high intelligence.是用nor連線的...


您好,樓主!today是副詞 去掉應該是一個完整的句子第二個句子去掉today 是 it is hot.和第三個第四個句子一樣都是個完整的句子 而第一句 去掉後 是 it is a fine 今天是一個好的。不完整 所以第一個句子錯了 正確的是 it is a fine day today.祝樓主學...


粽s你米商量 我爬了一座小山.我和袋鼠玩耍過.我看見過一隻大鯊魚.我給了一根香蕉給猴子.我騎在一隻馬上.我對一隻鸚鵡說話.我看了一場電影.我拍了許多 我繪製了一張面具.我在池塘裡釣了魚.我買了一個大冰淇淋. 1.i爬上小山丘,意思。2.i發揮一些袋鼠,意思。3.i看到了大鯊魚,意思。4.i了香蕉的猴...