
時間 2022-01-19 12:30:06


1. electrified railway track system group products company

2. ministry of quality engineering and technical supervisors assistant engineer

3. primarily responsible for product quality control, production supervision, and provide technical services. statistics responsible for the production of qualified products, the company quality system certification, production planning, and so on.

4. in school has served as student leaders, serious and responsible work, outstanding achievement, and numerous awards.

5. state grants; outstanding student poverty school grants scholarships; chuanwei scholarships


1.hard track system group electrification product company

2.project technical department

quality supervisor

assistant engineer

3.the primary cognizance company product quality monitoring, the production process surveillance, and provides the technical service. is responsible for the product qualified output statisticses, the company quality system authentication, production operative plan and so on.

4.has been the student cadre in the school, the work is responsible earnestly, the academic record is outstanding, wins an award many times.

5.national stipend;

the school outstanding student subsidizes the scholarship impoverished;

sichuan prestige scholarship


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