漢字翻譯英語會的幫一下忙謝謝了,漢字翻譯英語 會的幫一下忙 謝謝了

時間 2022-04-01 21:40:09


he is lying down with his eyes looking up.

he sits there with his hands tied behind his back.


1、he is lying there,looking above. he is lying there with his eyes looking above.

2、he,whose hand is bound to his back ,is sitting there. he is sitting there with his hands bound to his back.


他躺著眼睛向上看。he lay there with his eyes looking up.

他坐在那裡手被綁在背後。he sat there with his hands bound to his back.



he lay with his eyes up.

he sit there with his hands bind back

高手幫個忙 翻譯一下謝了

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