
時間 2021-07-01 03:22:43


is everything go well with you?do you remember me?we've met in metro during the guangzhou fair.

sorry for not corresponding you ,that's all due to my busy work.

are you busy rencently?it's really hot here.what about yours there?

please keep fit!that's all,keep in touch!bye


how is everything? i don't whether you remember me or not. we met in the subway during the guangzhou fair.

because of busy work, i didn't send you the e-mail.

how is your work? also busy? the weather here is evry hot, how about it in your place?

take care.

keep in touch.



how are you going? i wonder if you still remember me, during the canton fair in guangzhou subway encounter **

i had not given you e-mail because i was very busy when i returned,

are you busy now?our place is very hot , what's about yours?is it the same ?

take care about yourself!

this first wrote on it, the next is linked!


以為社會學家宮臺真司說,同伴之外,皆是風景 其意思是說,不論是擁擠的人潮之中,還是公共的場合,年輕人眼裡的風景,除了身邊的小夥伴或者朋友,就是電線杆子和護欄以及其他。我認為這就是極具可信度的 年輕人法則 當然在電車中,這個法則依然起著作用。不管是多麼擁擠的車廂,對年輕來說那只不過是同傢俱或者植木工具...


那是我可憐的父親彌留之際唯一一次發火。livesey醫生 那天下午很晚來看病人,在我母親那裡吃了一點晚餐後,就到客廳抽上他的菸斗等著他的馬從小鎮上跑過來,因為我們在舊benbow沒有馬廄。我跟著他進去,觀察著所有的異樣。他是一個整潔優雅的醫生,菸灰和雪一樣白,而眼睛又黑又亮,彬彬有禮而又像一個無拘無...


在你我之間 在我的記憶中,人們總願意和我談話.你知道,那些人和你說的話,並沒有太多含義,它只是開啟了你心中的一道門 門後便是一間房,一間你從不曾見過的房.你怎麼去那並不重要 重要的是 你看見了 新奇與不同 翻譯比較直白,沒有太多文采.我和你之間 從我的記憶中 只要是我能記住的 人們喜歡與我交談 要知...